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Descripción del proyecto

The Memory, Peace and Reconciliation Center was built in the midst of the current internal confrontation, unlike other similar projects that have been built post-conflict. This building makes visible to Bogotá the Memory of the more than 6,000,000 victims left by the internal armed conflict in Colombia. At the same time, it is a memorial for the commemoration of the Bicentennial of Independence, where values ​​capable of achieving sustainable social development, based on respect for life, non-violence, truth, justice and reconciliation are extolled. The Project is part of the traditional complex of the Central Cemetery of Bogotá. The specific lot given to the Memory Center was a funerary space with two centuries of memory and in which more than 3,600 individuals were buried. To exhume them, the largest funerary archaeological survey in South America was carried out. The space left by these burials is now occupied by the CMPR with an intense public life. Source: www.archdaily.co


Bogotá D.C.

Tipo de proyecto:


Área Instalada:

 1011 m2

